Tkole se zmenmo

Za producente, direktorje in šefe klubov, gledališč in restavracij… oziroma za njihove tajnice

Tehnične zahteve:
-ozvočenje za spuščanje glasbe
-mikrofon in stojalo
-v primeru, da imamo glasbenike v živo priklop za električno kitaro in električni ukulele, mikrofon za harmoniko
-enostavna luč z možnostjo osvetlitve publike, brez lučnih sprememb
-sproščen prostor za publiko (klubsko, domeče vzdušje), horizontalna postavitev (ne dvignjen oder), oder v širino v polkrogu, največ 3 vrste gledalcev, razen ko ne gre drugače. Raje imamo ne črno, temveč bolj običajno ozadje – lahko tudi bela stena.
-pisalna miza in stol
-zaodrje (lahko je zavesa) za garderobo

Stage: 3x4m min; organized stage – it is ideally in horizontal plane with the public (not lifted up), to have public in a half circle around, meaning the performers can be partly part of the audience, not too big deepness of the audience (up to 3 wide rows)

1 microphone and stander with monitor and sound system for synthesizer and separately for music coming out of the computer. Posibility to put music from the computer near the stage, because it is managed by the actors.

Lights: general light, no light changes, some light on public – we want to see first 4 rows in their faces and we want to be seen if going from the stage to the public.

Kontaktna oseba / Contact: Tina Janežič, 041 488 299,

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